Presentation Archive
Presentations from General Meetings back to 2003...Image: David at Adobe Stock
Shocking Confessions, February 2011: I Sleep with My Blackberry!
The horrifying truth about proposal managers who work from home! Plus some good things about working in virtual teams, too!2010
January 21: Getting Your Proposal Moved to the Top of the Pile
Chris Carter, Business Development Manager, XAIT USAApril 1: Clicking Our Way to Better Win Rates: Web-Resources for Proposal Management Perfection
Cynthia Mastro, Jeff Lewis, Jeff Stephens, Judy Herter, and Meghan Dewey, NORCAL ChapterApril 26: Proposal Humor on the Fly: Funny Material from the SOCAL Chapter
Ruth Belanger, F.APMP, Northrop Grumman Aerospace SystemsJune 25: Creating Winning Proposal Teams
Charles Pellerin, President, 4-D Systems
February 19: The Cold Start; and Is Grant Writing Really Different?
A round table of members in five Southern California locationsApril 16: A Place for Peer Reviews
Ruth Belanger, Northrop Grumman Aerospace TechnologyOctober 23: Proposal Resource Information Data Mining
John St. Rock & Curtis Adkins, Proposal Process Managers, Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems
February 22: Project Management for Proposal Managers
Dick Eassom, AF.APMP, Vice President, IT & Knowledge Management, SM&AApril 18: The Language of Success: Writing that Works
Dr. Tom Sant, F.APMP, Hyde Park Partners and The Sant CorporationJuly 17: BD-KnowledgeBase™: Creating an Interactive Community to Share Key Practices and Encourage Innovation
Charlie Divine, PPF.APMPJuly 18: SOCAL Member Survey
April 16: Complying with U.S. Export Controls
Earl Estrada, Special Agent in Charge, Los Angeles Field Office, Office of Export Enforcement, Bureau of Industry and Security, United States Department of CommerceAugust 16: Introducing New Technologies
Ed Rogers, Accelerate Inc.
February 17: Adaptive Intelligence™: Working with Extreme People
Dr. Kenneth Rabinowitz, President, Professional Development GroupSeptember 22: Win Strategy 101
Dick Eassom, F.APMP, Director, Competition Management Standards and Systems, SM&A
February 15: A Quick Look at a Useful Proposal Development Tool
Mark Grinyer, Proposal Library, Raytheon Space and Airborne SystemsApril 29: Building on Differentiation: Focusing Your Client’s Attention on Your Strengths
Tom Sant, APMP Fellow, Hyde Park PartnersJune 17: Designing Winning Proposals
Mike Parkinson, 24 Hour Company
April 22: Keys to Developing Winning Proposals Consistently
Ronny Tey, Vice President, Product Marketing, PriviaDecember 9: Proposal Training: A Survey of Current Practice and a Look at the Future of e‑Learning
Dave Camp & Jeff LongshawUnknown Date: Winning More than Your Share
David Pugh. PhD, Lore International Institute
Looking Back… and Peeking into the Future
Dr. Tom Sant, APMP Fellow, Founder, The Sant Corporation