October 10 Webinar: Quick Fixes for Bad Slides

Mile ParkinsonTurn ugly, unprofessional slides into professional designs quickly. Transform those boring, “been-there-done-that” presentations and orals into something you are proud of using these simple, yet effective solutions. Make your job easier. Be the hero. Attend this session to see how to do it.

  • Learn to do speedy slide makeovers
  • Fix even the ugliest presentations in minutes
  • Make your PowerPoint content more professional and compelling
  • Use these tools and techniques immediately

@Mike_Parkinson is a geek. He is a CPP APMP Fellow, one of only 36 Microsoft PowerPoint MVPs in the world, best-selling author, and an industry thought leader. Mike is a partner at 24 Hour Company (24hrco.com), a premier creative services firm, and owns Billion Dollar Graphics (BillionDollarGraphics.com).

Date and Time: Tuesday, October 10, 2023, 12:00pm PDT/AZT, 2:00pm CDT, 9:00am HST

Register Here: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEtduyspzkrHdDFCqwwlr0i04rfi_B7q80-

Published: September 18, 2023