APMP Western Chapter Board Nominations for 2025–2026

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Each year, the APMP Western Chapter issues a Call for Nominations to our members for open positions on the Board of Directors.  This is your opportunity to become more involved with your chapter, assist in providing a more valuable experience for our affiliated members, and earn Continuing Education Units (CEUs)! You can put as much time into these positions as you can afford, but the minimum commitment is a few hours each month, a monthly report submitted to the Chapter Secretary, and a Board Meeting via Zoom every month. To be eligible to serve on the Board, you must be a current APMP member in good standing. No individual may hold more than one Office or Directorship at any time. Each position is for a two-year term.

The APMP Western Chapter Board of Directors seeks nominations for the following four Board positions for 2025–2026.

  1. Membership Director. The Membership Director is responsible for maintaining an accurate and up-to-date database of all members of the Chapter. The Membership director will provide the Chapter Chair with the number of members who attended programs for any reporting required by APMP. The Membership Director will also coordinate recruiting efforts to attract new individual and corporate members to APMP and the Chapter. The Membership Director will communicate membership news to the Board, and, with approval, to the Secretary, Webmaster, and Communications Director for use in newsletters, on the APMP and Chapter websites, and on social media.
  2. The Secretary shall keep accurate records of the acts and proceedings of all meetings of the Board. Minutes of board meetings, distributed by the Secretary, will include the date and place of the meeting, a list of who attended, a summary of significant discussions, and any follow-up actions required. The minutes are distributed to the Directors and a final version (approved at a regular Board meeting) becomes part of the permanent records, posted on the Chapter website, or otherwise retained.
  3. Webinars Director. The Webinars Director develops and manages a regular pipeline of speakers for monthly Chapter webinar events, supported by the Board for web and social media communication, event marketing, etc.
  4. Intentional Career Path Co-Director. The Intentional Career Path (ICP) Co-Director promotes the bid/proposal industry as a career path and make it an intentional career choice by creating paths and partnerships with educational institutions to help introduce and promote the profession and APMP.

To nominate yourself, please use the form below:

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Published: October 31, 2024