Rising to the Challenge, September 24, 2024

APMP NCA ChapterAPMP MidSouth Chapter logoOur colleagues in the APMP MidSouth and APMP National Capital Area chapters cordially invite you to a series of webinars this fall that build on the results of the APMP/Loopio survey presented at BPC New Orleans. Among the results were findings that 51% of respondents experienced challenges working with Subject Matter Experts, and 39% had challenges obtaining up-to-date content. We know these issues are not independent – and they are also tied to other findings such as timeliness and team burnout.

The first Rising to the Challenge webinar is on September 24, 2024 at 8am PDT/AZST, 9:00am MDT, 5am HST. It will be an interactive Teams webinar, featuring members and others with real world experience with the challenge of collaborating with subject matter experts. In just one hour, your membership can take part in a chapter-centered, problem-solving discussion, sharing ideas and lessons learned from decades of experience. This webinar is sponsored by Hinz Consulting, OneTeam, and Strategy Horizon Consulting and available for members at no charge. Other sessions to follow will address sourcing and managing proposal content and the potential for AI to contribute to solutions for these issues.

Please register here: https://events.teams.microsoft.com/event/e8fa3a00-ae00-4a1e-ad0e-48e2c47f9bc4@f8838a22-258e-4acc-b8c6-f72369740096

Published: September 12, 2024